Matching Gifts for Annual Partners

Did you know that thousands of companies match donations by employees? Your gift may be eligible to be matched! Please use the search tool below to see if your company will match your donation and to access the forms, guidelines and instructions that you need to submit a matching gift request.

Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation


When you make a donation to your Fox Cities Performing Arts Center, you will receive an acknowledgement letter with donation receipt in the mail. Your donation receipt will indicate the value of goods and services received in exchange for your donation. Many companies will only match the portion of the gift that is considered charitable, which would be your donation total minus the value of goods and services received. When making a donation, you can choose to waive access to benefits with a tax value so that your entire donation is considered charitable/tax deductible.

Benefits and Recognition for Matching Gifts

Annual Partners receive various benefits in gratitude for their donation; some of these benefits have a taxable value. When giving as an Annual Partner, you may choose to waive access to benefits with a tax value so that your entire donation is considered charitable/tax deductible. When you do this, only benefits with a taxable value will be forfeited. You will then have the option to utilize the Opt-In Amenities Program, which allows you to receive benefits you have otherwise forfeited by paying the tax value of the benefit(s). 

You will receive recognition and benefits at the level of your initial donation until your gift match is received. When your gift match is received, you will be recognized at the level of your total gift (your contribution plus the gift match) and you will have the opportunity to utilize the Opt-In Amenities Program to access benefits with a tax value at the combined higher giving level.

Example of a gift matching donation:

  • John donates $300 and is now recognized as a Directing Level Partner. The value of goods and services offered at the $300 Directing Level is $54.80, which includes an invitation to an Annual Partner Event and 2 Complimentary Drink Vouchers. At this level, he will automatically receive the following benefits, which have no taxable value:
    • Annual Partner eNewsletter, priority offers to purchase tickets before the general public, recognition in the Season in Review Annual Report, invitation to an Annual Partner All Access Tour, Recognition in the Ovation. If John chooses to waive benefits with a taxable value so that his employer will match is entire $300 contribution, he would forfeit his invitation to an Annual Partner event and the two drink tickets, but would still receive all of the benefits automatically included that have no taxable value.
  • When John’s employer matches his $300 contribution, John will then be recognized as a $600 Debuting Level Partner. The automatically included benefits at this level are the same as at the $300 Directing Partner level, but additional benefits with a taxable value are available for John to opt into. Now that the Center has received John’s $300 donation and his $300 gift match contribution, John will receive Opt-In Amenities Materials that allow him to pay the taxable value of all or select benefits offered at the $600 Debuting Partner Level.
Opt-in materials (PDF)


Please contact the Fox Cities Performing Arts Center Development Team for more information about benefits with a taxable value and the Opt-In Amenities Program by calling (920) 730-3782 or emailing us at [email protected].