You can provide long-term stability, supporting the arts now and for future generations. By leaving your legacy at the Fox Cities Performing Arts Center, you are securing the arts for yourself, your family and more than 160,000 patrons who attend world-class performing arts events at the Fox Cities P.A.C. each year. Endowment giving through the Center’s Keystone Campaign ensures the ability to continue making the arts accessible for all in our community well into the future.
Cash Gifts
A direct way to support the Keystone Fund is by making a one-time donation. Gifts can take the form of a personal check, credit card payment or even a gift of stock. Your financial advisor can assist you with your stock gift.
Multi-Year Gifts
Some donors prefer to make their contribution in installments over several years. With a completed gift form, multi-year donations are recognized for the total amount of their pledged gifts. For example, you could be recognized at the $25,000 giving level, but enjoy the flexibility of $5,000 installments over five consecutive years.
Financial Estate Gifts
Financial estate gifts allow your legacy to live on by making charitable gifts now that have an impact after your lifetime while enjoying financial benefits today. You can increase the impact of your gift by contributing cash now while also establishing an estate gift. Estate gifts require some consideration and often, help from your professional advisor.
To learn more about how you can support the arts now and for future generations and how the funds raised will provide long-term financial stability to the Center’s long-range business plan, contact us at [email protected] or call (920) 730-3736.