Meet Katie Stucky, Center Stage Program Alum

September 30, 2024

Meet Katie Stucky, a 2017-2021 alum of the Center Stage High School Musica Theater Program and graduate of Winnebago Lutheran Academy. In her senior year, Katie was a representative through the Student Ambassador Program and a recipient of the Inspiration Through the Arts Scholarship.

“Through various workshops the program gave me opportunities to see inside the theater industry, especially all the different jobs that go into making a show happen. The more I learned about the different jobs that were needed off-stage, the more I started to believe that I could make a career doing theater.” Having been a participant in the program throughout her high school career, Katie believes that the Center Stage Program is extremely beneficial to students.

“The Center Stage Program makes theater tangible for high school students. Getting to meet and learn from actors before watching a show or getting to learn what a stage manager does and get a backstage tour rom them is when students can start to believe that what they’re seeing is possible for them too.”
- Katie Stucky, Center Stage High School Musical Theater Program alum, 2017-2021

A favorite memory from her experience as a Center Stage participant goes back to when Fiddler on the Roof came to the Center and the program hosted a dance workshop with cast member Eloise DeLuca. She attended the workshop and then the performance, “I remember seeing the small portion of the opening number we had learned on stage and thinking how cool it was that I knew part of it.” Not only did Katie learn the dance to the opening number in this workshop, but it helped solidify that touring productions was a lifestyle she was interested in.

Katie currently attends Webster University in St. Louis where she is working to receive a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Stage Management, with a secondary emphasis in Sound Design and a minor in Legal Studies.